
Hello all, we are now in March, 2012... 'RizMum' blog sure is getting slower now, but as promised I will try my best to keep on going... and its been awhile now since my last post (T_T) and to update this took me almost a year, anyhow, this will be my final year so you guys know how it is when the big "E" comes. So guys, see you in my next post and keep on SHREDDING!!!! And as always please feel free to drop a suggestion/ideas via e-mail, Thanks

My Galleria

Guitars for Anime lovers, Left: Strat pickguard with Manga pages, Right: Hello Kitty Squier Stratocaster (one of this guitar is owned by the daughter of late "Nirvana's" frontman Kurt Cobain)
Toilet covers for Strat and Acoustic guitars

Autumn guitar posters
Guitars for the Gamers LOL, (Right): Nintendo console as the body with its joystick as a handstock. (Left): Pac-Man guitar

Guitar Heroes
The 'CAPITAL G' guitar (^^p)
Weird guitars; Left: Child molester guitar and, Right: Machine-gun guitar only in Africa
More weird guitars; Left: Obviously a photoshop picture - headstock as the body and the other way around, Center: Castrol GTX guitar only in Africa LOL and Right: Surfboard guitar only in Japan
Weird Strat around the globe; Left: The art Strat, Center: The Religious Strat and Right: The White-tiger Strat
This guitar was made for virtuoso guitarist Steve Vai, it was his first 3 necks guitar and he ever played it on stage in the 90's, he then donated this guitar to Hard Rock Cafe.
I saw this picture in the net for years now, and it kept on circulating, I think I should post it here too.  Well in my opinion, this sure as hell was 'Photoshoped'.
More weird guitars around the world; Above left: Surely this guitar cannot be played while sitting LOL, Above right: Excalibur guitar, Down left: Piranha bass with Jazz-bass pickups and Down right: John Lennon die-hard-fans Rickenbacker guitar
This sure is a unique guitar/harp, I wonder how did the owner manage to change the strings LOL
A Fender Telecaster covered with denim
Even bears uses Bo Diddley's rectangular guitar LMAO