Name: Zahedi Riza Sjahranie
Born: 3rd February, 1962 (Bandung, Indonesia)
Profile: He is one of the top Indonesian guitarists and widely known as a guitarist of a popular rock band "EdanE". He is also a producer for various albums mainly local Rock artist. Rumors has it, that his last name 'Sjahranie' was taken from the surname of legendary guitarist 'Joe Satriani' as a symbol of recognition for his favorite idol.
History: His love in music started when he was just 6, with the help of great music from "Deep Purple", "Bee Gees", Jimi Hendrix, "Led Zeppelin" and "The Beatles", but after seeing guitarist Yon Koeswoyo of "Koes Plus" (legendary band from Indonesia) played guitar - it made him to take guitar as his instrument. His first guitar lesson was from a 'Parking-guy' in front of his school in Kalimantan, everyday after school, he and his friends will learn guitar lesson with the guy - from Folk songs, Dangdut and even Pop songs.
Eet also learned guitar lesson from his sister who studied classical guitar, he then realize with this extra knowledge in classical he wanted to explore more about this unique instrument. Knowing his commitment in this instrument, Eet's parents bought him his first electric guitar, with this new instrument he then started to explore and experiment all sorts of sounds.
In 1978, he joined 'Festival Band SLTA' in Jakarta, which won him the title "Best Guitarist of the Year", and then formed a band called "WOW", but when the band released their debut album, Eet went to the US to attend 'Workshop Recording Sound Engineering' for 3 months. When he went back to Jakarta, he met with Jockie Surjoprajogo, who invited him for the position of guitarist in "God Bless" (legendary Rock band from Indonesia) replacing Ian Antono.
As a guitarist, Eet wanted to release a solo album, he choose Ecky Lamoh as vocal, but Eet change the format of the album to a duo album with the title 'E and E', from the initials of Eet and Ecky. In the middle of recording, the both of them change their mind from a duo to a supergroup album by adding drummer Fajar S. and bassist Iwan Xaverius, and with this the band "EdanE" was formed.
Influences: Joe Satriani, Eddie Van Halen, Trevor Rabin, Angus Young, Tony Iommi (Black Sabbath), Albert Warnerin (Giant Step), Yopie Item, Gideon Tengker, Baron, Pay, Rama, Ivan (Boomerang), Ian Antono (God Bless) and Odink Nasution (Guruh Gipsy)
Axology: Radix guitars, Ibanez guitar, Gibson SG guitar, Cort KX Custom and Marlique GES Eet Sjahranie Signature Series
Signature song(s): Kau Pikir Kaulah Segalanya (EdanE - 170 Volts) and Borneo I (EdanE - Borneo)
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